Thursday, July 1, 2010

We Need To Act Now

Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I think we all know by now that things are not so good here in the Granite State. Over the past year and a half I have watched our state and country fall apart before my eyes. I got angry about what was happening and decided I had to do something. The first thing that set me off, was the passing of the health care bill, I really was not upset about the bill itself, after all, bills can be repealed. But when 75% of the American people told Congress that they did not want it, they jammed it down our throats........... since when is an elected official smarter than the people...... ?? One Congresswoman refused to meet with the voters in her district, citing it was below her station to address these people !!
Here at home we have record spending, Concord is spending money like drunken sailors, and I know, even drunken sailors run out of money. The State Legislature went home recently, all proud of themselves that they covered the budget shortfalls. Of course they did, they raised about 38 taxes and fees across the board !! They are trying to transfer state properties between departments to give the illusion that they made money, they want to steal money from Doctors malpractice suits reserve. They want a toll booth on route 93 in Salem, can you imagine ??
It seems to me that the majority in Concord can't seem to put our purse in the safe and leave it alone, I would hate to go shopping at the Fox Run Mall with these people, they would just keep spending and get irritated if one of us poor people asked them what they were doing.
It has come to the point that we need a change ( I only have pocket change left) we need to go to the polls and send a loud and clear message, we need to tell Concord, and Washington to Stop it !! just stop it !! Please help me, and support me this fall........ in my next post, will tell you more but in the mean time, please feel free to call me, post here, or email me....... I need your help and my fellow Republicans need your help. Lets restore New Hampshire to what she was, small Government, low taxes, business friendly and a great place to live and work !!
I will be more than happy, to sit down with any person, organazation, neighborhood group, news paper, radio station, or TV station and share my views. I do promote transparency in goverment and I promise.......... you will not need X-ray vision glasses to see behind the doors !!

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