Dear Editor,
I am writing to you for a few different reasons, one of which is to announce that I am seeking a position as a State Representative in District 16, Portsmouth/Newington. I hope your readers will look at my blog to see what I am about, or they can call me or email me to talk and see if I have what they think it takes to represent them in Concord. My blog is at
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our current elected Representatives and Senators in Concord. I may not agree with their views or their votes, but they have made the sacrifice. It is a thankless job, and we all know, you can’t please all the people, all the time. Thank you for your service.
It is time we get back to basics and that starts with elected officials who actually represent the people, not their own self serving agenda. Lets go to Concord, put our ego’s behind us, forget what party your from…… and take care of the people you swore to represent, be open to new idea’s and be open to compromise and always, be open and available to the public.
I have been reading the papers, online blogs and watched Glenn Beck for the past several weeks and all I hear is Democrats blaming Republicans, and Republicans blaming Democrats, we can’t blame the Tea Party; they haven’t been around that long. I blame the people, and I include myself in that group. Year after year, we vote in the same people who do the same thing, raise taxes, and spend money, we don’t have. They make promises they can not keep, and in the end……… blame the other party !
My final thought, I would like to extend my congratulations’ and best wishes to the 103 new Americans that were sworn in on July 4th in Portsmouth. They followed the rules, they came here with valid Visa’s, obtained their green cards, work permits, studied English and American history, and took a test and they passed. If we grant amnesty to the thousands that have crossed our borders illegally, that would be an insult to these fine people, and all Americans.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and my sincerest appreciation to this newspaper for printing it. I hope you will support me and the other Republicans who are running for office in New Hampshire. I will be more than happy to speak with any one or any group at anytime; we are New Hampshire’s future.
Wayne M. Doherty
17 Blue Heron Drive
Portsmouth, N.H. 03801
(603) 765-6416
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